Monday, 20 June 2022

What Are The Types Of Mens Leather Bracelets Available?

The vastness of men’s leather bracelets can be aptly categorized into three basic types. This article will help you choose your leather band to suit your personality.

According to common belief, the strap of Italian leather bracelets gives a more masculine vibe if it has a higher width. However, this does not mean that narrow bands are feminine. The width is merely a personal preference.

  • Simple wide bands

These are the most popular leather bands among men. They give a vibe of strength along with a pinch of edginess. Several men wear simple wide leather bands to increase their sexual appeal to a woman. Often, the bands are studded with various metals to add blink to the band. Historical trends from the 1970s are being re-introduced. Leather cuff wrist watchbands are resurfacing in the market. These bands have intricate carvings in their leather.

Simple wide leather wristbands are suitable for every occasion and event. Sporting the Italian leather bracelets on your wrist gives a message of strength and masculinity. Additionally, if a guy is inked, a simple wide leather band can act as the perfect accessory. These bands are durable and can last for years with proper care. Since this is one of the most basic leather bands, they can easily be paired up with other wrist accessories. Simple wide bands are appropriate for medium to large wrist sizes.


However, these bands are inappropriate for the work environment and wrist movement is hindered while wearing a simple wide leather band.

  • Design bands

This kind of bands is textured and stylized. This is a popular choice amongst men who are inclined towards glamour. Often, these bands are embroidered with motifs of a skull, zodiac signs and anchors. To add an edgy element, silver is built into the band itself. People who want to stand out from the crowd opt for wide embroidered leather bands which are also called as bangle band. Usually, the mens green leather bracelet and brown leather bracelet are embroidered.

This band is the perfect accessory to spice up a simple T-shirt and can be worn every day.

  • Rope bands

Surfers often prefer these kinds of bands. This is a popular choice among men with style. These bands are also utilized as a symbol of friendship and love. Thin rope bands can be worn in work environments and give a subtly edgy vibe to your co-workers. Sometimes, mens green leather bracelet is worn to complete a “cowboy” look. However, since thin rope bands are flimsy, they can come apart easily. Their maintenance is higher than the other types and is harder to secure around the wrist.

In a nutshell, wide leather bands can be a minor discomfort during full-wrist movement, but are much more durable than a thin rope leather band.

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